wanocollector.com website terms of service.
ARTICLE 1: object
The present terms of service aim at the legal framework of the the practical arrangements of the wanocollector.com website and their use by the “User”.
The terms of service must be accepted by any User wishing to access the website. They constitute the contract between the website and the User. Access to the website by the User means acceptance of these terms and conditions of use.
wanocollector.com reserves the right to modify unilaterally and at any time the contents of these terms of service.
ARTICLE 2 : Legal notice
The website editing of wanocollector.com is made by KAVACODE – Graines de Sol SCIC SAS with variable capital whose head office is located at 122 bis boulevard Emile Zola 69600 OULLINS.
The Publication Director is Mr Jeffrey MALTER.
The wanocollector.com website host is the IONOS SARL whose head office is located at 7, place de la Gare · BP 70109 · 57201 Sarreguemines Cedex (France)
ARTICLE 3 : Definitions
The purpose of this clause is to define the various essential terms of the contract:
User: this term refers to any person who uses the website or any of the services offered by the website.
User content: these are the data transmitted by the User within the website.
Member: the User becomes a member when identified on the website.
Login and password: this is all the information needed to identify a user on the website. The username and password allow the User to access services reserved for members of the website. The password is confidential.
ARTICLE 4 : Access to services
The website allows the User free access to the following services:
Information, publications, news and announcements concerning wanocollector.com and its applications.
The website is accessible free of charge to any user with Internet access. All costs incurred by the User to access the service (hardware, software, Internet connection, etc.) are his responsibility.
Following case:
The website implements all the means at its disposal to ensure quality access to its services. The obligation being of means, the website does not undertake to reach this result.
Any event due to a case of force majeure resulting in a malfunction of the network or the server does not engage the responsibility of wanocollector.com.
Access to the website services may be subject to interruption, suspension, modification without notice for maintenance or any other case at any time. The User undertakes not to claim any compensation following the interruption, the suspension or the modification of this contract.
The User can contact the website through this contact form or by email at contact@wanocollector.com.
ARTICLE 5 : Intellectual Property
The trademarks, logos, signs and other content of the website are protected by the Code of Intellectual Property and more specifically by copyright.
The User requests the prior authorization of the website for any reproduction, publication, copy of the various contents.
The User agrees to use the contents of the website in a strictly private setting. Use of the content for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.
ARTICLE 6 : Personal Data
The information requested when sending a contact form is necessary and mandatory. In particular, the email address may be used by the website for the administration, management and animation of the service.
The website assures the User a collection and treatment of personal information in respect of privacy in accordance with the law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data, files and freedoms.
Under Articles 39 and 40 of the law dated January 6, 1978, the User has a right to access, rectify, delete and oppose his personal data. The User exercises this right via:
a contact form;
by email to contact@wanocollector.com;
ARTICLE 7 : Liability and force majeure
The sources of information disseminated on the website are deemed reliable. However, the website reserves the faculty of a non-guarantee of the reliability of the sources. The information given on the website is for informational purposes only. Thus, the User assumes sole responsibility for the use of the information and contents of this website.
Any use of the service by the User directly or indirectly resulting in damages must be compensated for the benefit of the website.
An optimal guarantee of the security and the confidentiality of the transmitted data is not assured by the website. However, the website is committed to implementing all necessary means to best guarantee the security and confidentiality of data.
The responsibility of the website can not be committed in case of force majeure or the unpredictable and insurmountable fact of a third.
ARTICLE 8 : Hypertext links
Many outgoing hypertext links are present on the website, however the web pages where these links lead do not engage the responsibility of wanocollector.com who does not control these links.
The User is therefore forbidden to engage the responsibility of the website concerning the content and the resources relating to these outgoing hypertext links.
ARTICLE 9 : Evolution of the contract
The website reserves the right at any time to modify the clauses stipulated in this contract.
ARTICLE 10 : Duration
The duration of this contract is indefinite. The contract has effect with respect to the User from the use of the service.
ARTICLE 11 : Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
French law applies to this contract. In case of absence of amicable resolution of a dispute born between the parties, only the courts of the city of Lyon are competent.